Personal insolvency
Does bankruptcy affect Australian visa applications and/or citizenship?

Who We Help
We all face challenges. It’s how you deal with them that matters.
The journey towards a broken business or entity is an exhausting path, one that can be charged with emotion and disappointment and we understand the bonds formed between the client and the business advisor can run deep with history.
When you come to Worrells, we’ll respect this relationship and take care of the people involved, in parallel with dispensing expert turnaround and insolvency advice.
Who we help
As a dedicated professional, we appreciate you’re always looking out for your clients. Professional advisors connect with people who are confronted with financial problems every day. In those moments, advisors need credible and helpful answers to insolvency challenges, as and when they happen.
That's why we're here
We know that advisors are expected to promptly ‘zone in’ on the crux of a technical question or quandary, relevant to a client’s circumstances. We know advisors are expected to have ‘the big picture’ and traverse the series of questions that flow: as one question is answered, another is uncovered. We know the perturbed, emotionally charged energy that can sometimes flow between client and advisor as each party look to each other in search for answers and understanding.
Together, we’ll unpack client situations with you, together with your client, or directly with your client.
We’ll show how to future-proof and add value to your client relationships.
By sharing our knowledge, we aim to remove the mess of stress from misconceptions and lack of understanding.
Solving the right problems at the right time can be the difference between a business surviving or failing.
Our people know how to turn a business around and straighten out a deteriorating personal financial situation, who understand insolvency at the deepest level and are always keen to find the right answers. But importantly, our people have the care factor for those affected by the insolvency situation.
Continue to drive economic sustainability and growth. Protect jobs, support businesses, stakeholders, and landlords. Keep contributing to industry and community.
Free ebook
Many directors are completely oblivious of their obligations and duties, thinking only of what they will make from the successes of their new enterprise.
They do not consider the downside or risk, particularly their personal exposure, should things go wrong...
When we can help
The insolvent client’s level of dependence on their professional advisor is often both misunderstood and understated. It is the client’s accountant or solicitor, or perhaps both working together, who commonly has the onerous task of discovering and demonstrating the true financial position. Frequently they must persuade the client that specialist insolvency help is necessary, and it is they who must find and nominate a suitable insolvency practitioner who they trust to work with.
6 client questions to uncover business distress
The sooner you seek options, the more you’ll have.
When, ultimately, it’s determined the client needs to engage Worrells to assist them, we always find Worrells to be the right balance of doing their job independently and objectively, but still treating the client with respect, care, and consideration. We highly recommend Worrells and we are happy (despite the unhappy circumstances) to refer our clients to Worrells when they need the insolvency experts to navigate out of financial stress.
We speak with people and their advisors every day. We do this as complimentary and without expectation.
Principal, Gold Coast, Northern NSW
Principal, Gold Coast, Northern NSW
Principal, Western Sydney, Central West
Principal, Western Sydney, Central West
Principal, Canberra, Wollongong
Principal, Canberra, Wollongong
Principal, Melbourne, Ringwood
Principal, Melbourne, Ringwood
Principal, Perth
Principal, Perth
Facing financial distress is a crushing experience that creates hardship on a personal level. It’s not easy.
Being an advisor who feels they have the burden of discovering and then demonstrating the level of financial distress to their client is also very difficult. Having insolvency practitioners who are qualified to assist helps. Our vast experience helps to assure clients by sharing how we’ve helped many other people in similar circumstances to theirs. It costs nothing to you or your client to get our initial advice. Sometimes that conversation is enough shift perspectives and create support both professionally and personally.
Be aware and proactive about your client’s mental health, so they can get out the other side of these challenges. Offer help if they need it. Remind your clients they can chat to their doctor or reach out to mental health organisations if they need help.
Business can be tough
Our team is focused and ready to help
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